DEBATES regarding students in the community seem never-ending, particularly in the vicinity of the University of York.

It’s disappointing that the different sides are defaulting to aggressive stances over ever-widening dividing lines.

There are positives in the new regulations on conversions to houses of multiple occupation – and I’m pleased Labour councillors encouraged the adoption of this.

Rather than being a draconian measure designed to exclude new student landlords, it is a way of securing higher standards. It benefits students by working towards preventing sub-standard student housing and it benefits residents in ensuring those properties don’t become an eyesore.

Happier students plus happier local residents equals a happier community.

Concerns over higher rents due to a smaller student rental market are premature. Only the worst planning applications will be rejected, thus providing greater encouragement for that happier community.

To supplement this measure, I would also encourage greater engagement between the students’ union, local residents, councillors, landlords and the university.

Neil Barnes, Labour candidate for Hull Road ward.