A ROTTWEILER dog was abandoned and left tied to the gates of the York RSPCA animal home, despite its handlers being told there was no room for it there.

Staff at the Landing Lane centre are now studying CCTV footage of a couple who tried to leave the dog at the home on Thursday afternoon, but left after being told they would have to put their names on a waiting list.

Centre manager Tony Benham said: “The couple came to the main gate to say they needed to hand a dog over because their friend had moved in to a flat and couldn’t keep it.

“A member of staff said we couldn’t take it in at the moment because we have a waiting list but we could take their details and let them know when there was a space.

“The member of staff went to get a pen and a piece of paper but by the time she had returned they had tied the dog to the gates and disappeared.”

Mr Benham said the Rottweiler was “in poor condition”.

“It’s been neglected,” he said. “It’s got long claws and is not clean. It’s a bit subdued.

“With these people running off, we don’t know the medical history of the dog. At this moment we don’t have a kennel for the dog.

“We are going to have to put it in a spare room and make up a bed for it. If any emergency animals come in now, we won’t have a space for them.”

Mr Benham said the dog, whose had been named Farrel by staff, would now be assessed for ten days but he invited people who may interested in providing a home for the animal to get in touch.

He said if the mystery couple were identified, they faced a visit from RSPCA inspectors who could bring a prosecution.

If you know who the couple are who abandoned the animal, or you think you may be able to offer a suitable home to the dog, phone the centre on 01904 654949.