Wrapping: Mariah just gets better looking every year. As always, Carey’s wares are beautifully packaged. Fans will appreciate the deluxe CD & DVD product.

Content: Half a dozen traditional carols are chucked in for good measure, but mostly Mariah adds soulful glamour and glitz to the holidays.

Style: Frivolous fun.

‘Tis the reason to be jolly: Fabulous rendition of Auld Lang Syne, slipped on as a bonus track.

Scrooge moan: Mariah’s previous Christmas album sold by the sleigh load but many will now much prefer the meatier E=MC2 and Emancipation Of Mimi to these saccharine seasonal treats.

White Christmas? No, and no Silent Night either, but Mariah reprises 1994’s gorgeous All I Want For Christmas, re-jigged to make it “extra festive”.

Blue Christmas? Only in a naughty but nice way. She looks terrific in her mini Santa-Ma Claus outfit.

Stocking or shocking? A fishnet stocking filler, absolutely. Mariah is not everyone’s glass of gluhwein, but her rendition of Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) should raise a cheery smile.