REMEMBER John Major? The PM who described his colleagues as “b*******”.

Is it really any surprise that Sir John wants the Con-Dependent Coalition to run beyond 2015? What’s not to want: a junior coalition partner willingly playing at hatchetmen!

Administering cuts which implement 90 per cent of a right-wing Tory agenda, which hits the poorest most.

How wonderful to have your very own political fall guys, in place taking the political bruises and unpopularity which comes with it.

The nine per cent poll rating for Sir John’s political poodles is so dismal that Ann Widdecombe’s scores in Strictly Come Dancing were more sustainable.

No wonder the Tories want their new Lib Dem friends out front taking the political flak, but when the time comes, as John Galvin’s letter shows (The Press, December 15), the Lib Dems will be discarded.

Liberalism, a cornerstone of York society, has never gone away.

Remaining Liberals within Lib Dem ranks surely realise they are being manipulated: time to return to the Liberal Party.

Being the unequal partner inside an inequitable partnership, with one long-term winner is not what real Liberals want; is it?

Nick Blitz, South Lane, Haxby.