Ed Milliband and his brother David are persuading me that the Labour Party in Opposition, Ed as Leader and both as potential future PMs, can create a fairer balance in government for the deserted millions of the nations’ needy and the workforce who keep daily life working 24/7 for us all. 

We have seen the widening gap between us and those at the top, in  trust for the administration of power and wealth created by us, ignored by them. Their primary aim; unfettered personal gain and satisfaction of unlimited greed. 

Ed and David will rebuild the unity of their party to take on the disunity of the Tory/Lib Dem coalition and regain control over us. I hope they are brave enough to rebuild the unity of the Nation by promising us a true and fair share of the power in Westminster and the use of our taxes. And, an end to 2 party First Past the Post, OR, a 3 way version of the same like the present coalition. 

SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTES would give us all a fair share of power and a personal stake in the country and get them back with a fair share of power and control.