FUNDRAISING will kick into gear as martial arts youngsters in York take part in an annual charity day.

The British Karate And Kickboxing Association’s York club are taking part in the British Heart Foundation Sidekick Challenge tomorrow.

Students ranging in ages from four to 68 will attempt to do a minimum of 1,000 sidekicks each at Fishergate Primary School, starting at noon.

Adults and higher grade children will also attempt a minimum of 300 press-ups and 300 sit-ups each.

Three-quarters of the funds raised will go to the British Heart Foundation, with the remaining quarter going to the British Karate And Kickboxing Association’s international team funds.

Dave Cartawick, York’s chief instructor, said: “The last time we did this type of event we did 254,000 side kicks and raised around £7,000 for charity, so we want to try to better that this time.”

Anyone wishing to make a donation should phone Cartawick on 07768 727722 or email