IT'S good news for newts - and for nature-loving humans too!

A conservation group in the Selby district has been awarded almost £50,000 of lottery cash.

The cash will go towards renovating a number of old brick ponds in a local village.

Hemingbrough Hagg Lane Green Conservation Group has been handed the £45,900 grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The money will go towards a £54,000 project managed by Groundwork Selby to improve the village green area.

The ponds are ecologically important and are home to a population of great crested newts, which are protected by law, as well as frogs and toads.

Over the last century, about three-quarters of Britain's ponds have been lost.

Karen Gilbert, secretary of the group, said: "This is fantastic news for the people of Hemingbrough, and for the great crested newts.

"The funding will allow us to enhance the ponds on Hagg Lane Green so that residents can enjoy visiting the site and learn all about its wildlife and heritage. It will also preserve the ponds for great crested newts for years to come."

The project will also see a new boardwalk placed around the site and a viewing platform for educational visits by schools.

The history of the ponds and their past uses will also be researched as part of the project and information panels will be installed.

Fiona Spiers, regional manager for the Heritage Lottery Fund, said: "Few people realise that every lottery ticket has the potential to save the UK's landscapes, countryside and creatures.

She said: "Imagine if future generations don't have the chance to enjoy the sight of great crested newts because we didn't do enough to save them now."

Updated: 09:38 Wednesday, May 24, 2006