NOW that the furore over the latest increase in bus fares has gone down, to a degree, anyway, it may now be an appropriate time to point out some obvious shortcomings in the service that First provides us with, before they batter us with the next increase.

The majority of drivers are courteous and helpful (some particularly so). A few, however, are downright rude and arrogant, particularly to teenagers and the younger generation.

This latter group are at a sensitive age, and like most of the drivers are polite and respectful. They are also paying customers.

Frequently, a bus is put into motion before all passengers are seated.

This can be most distressing to some people, particularly the elderly, who frantically reach for a handrail to hang on to and steady themselves. This practice could cause a nasty accident and there is no need for it.

Doors are shut after the last fare as been paid and people are sometimes left stranded at the bus stop.

While there may well be a reason for now reopening the doors and accepting late passengers, it would seem both polite and proper for the driver to take a quick look up and down the street to see if any late arrivals are close by.

A possible solution for First would be for plain-clothes inspectors unknown to the drivers to travel as paying passengers and report any misdemeanours to the company's management, who could then take the necessary disciplinary action.

After all, the public are paying top dollar for this service.

J H Roy,

Hadrian Avenue, York.

Updated: 09:30 Tuesday, May 09, 2006