I WAS indeed interested in Liz Edge and her article on bins and issues affecting these (Wheelie Costly Wagon Errors, April 21).

In our area, we have big metal-type bins that have not been washed out since introduced.

In fact, there would be no way this could be achieved other than through a mobile stile system or taking them away.

I dread to think of the germs that lurk within this site, and some near to kitchen windows that must be a worry to residents, a health hazard to those very close.

I was amazed in one area near to where I live that young children use the bin area as a "play area" and I worry that when they play with these heavy containers they could suffer an injury.

These areas should be caged and locked up to prevent children playing near them and risk suffering an injury.

Keith Chapman,

Custance Walk,

St Benedict Road,

Nunnery Lane,


Updated: 10:17 Thursday, May 04, 2006