I WISH to comment on the article about bullying by mobile phone (The cyber bullies, April 3).

Bullying is not the only danger there is for young people to fear from video- and camera-phones.

My daughter was persuaded to take pornographic photos of herself on her phone by a paedophile who befriended her and, eventually, sexually abused her. These images were then sent to him.

Once these images are in the public domain they can haunt the victim for the rest of their lives, with people wondering when they will pop up again, for example in the case of boyfriends splitting up with girlfriends and showing images to friends to upset and degrade the victim.

With easy connection to the Internet, email, text messaging and wap, I urge parents to check phones and computers to make sure their children are safe and will not have to endure the heartache we have had to go through.

Name and address withheld to protect the identity of the victim.

Updated: 09:52 Monday, April 24, 2006