I WONDER how many York citizens, reading that City of York Council has spent less than £5,000 in five years on overseas visits by councillors and the chief executive, know that both Munster and Dijon city councils have international secretariats, and have council cabinet members responsible for international affairs?

The two cities with which we are twinned use visits to and from other councils not simply for promotional and cultural purposes, but to study new developments in city management and in the application of new technologies.

For example, following a visit to York, Dijon's council introduced park-and-ride services.

There is much we can learn from our European counterparts, who are faced with the same problems and are committed to meeting the same treaty obligations - such as the Kyoto accord.

God knows how much time City of York Council may be wasting by not having an international secretariat and a system of regular contact with comparable European city councils to discuss common problems.

Maurice Vassie,

Cartmans Cottage,

Deighton, York.

Updated: 09:50 Monday, April 24, 2006