YET again our country's skilled workers have been let down by our Government through the pending closure of the Ryton Peugeot site and the loss of nearly 2,400 jobs; this following the recent collapse of MG Rover.

The Government will argue that it tried to maintain the employment of the workers by offering funding to maintain the depot, but the facts of the matter are straightforward and simple.

Cheaper labour and reduced energy costs abroad in other EU countries simply make it is more profitable for companies such as Peugeot to move abroad, and until our government realises this and tightens up our existing employment laws here in the United Kingdom, as is the case in France, more and more skilled workers' jobs will be lost.

Look at our home city: ABB Carriageworks, Norwich Union and Terry's. It is simply a matter of time before Nestl packs up.

I have been a Labour supporter for more than years. But having now lost total confidence in the party, my vote may well head towards UKIP next time. At least it appears to speak out and support the concerns of the British public and its workers.

Richard Walton,

Ash Street,

Poppleton Road, York.

Updated: 09:50 Monday, April 24, 2006