THE Wheel of York was last week's big media story.

As reported in the York Evening Press, 25,000 visitors came along to take the ride in the first full week.

Standing only 30 metres across the road from the wheel is the front door of the Arc Light centre for homeless people.

Managers at the National Railway Museum (NRM) have thought carefully about the wheel's location.

After more than six years of having Arc Light on their doorstep, they have the evidence, the facts and the experience to know that locating this highly popular attraction so close to the centre presents no threat whatsoever to the thousands of visitors who will come to ride above the city.

The Arc Light centre, whether in Leeman Road, or elsewhere in the city, is no threat to those who live or work in close proximity to it. As a monument to that truth, the wheel speaks volumes.

I am pleased that NRM managers decided to locate the wheel so close to Arc Light's HQ.

It is a decision based on their real experience of us as next-door neighbours. Their action speaks louder than a thousand words based on prejudice.

Paul Wordsworth,

Managing Director,

Arc Light Ltd,

The Bullnose Building,

Leeman Road,


Updated: 09:47 Friday, April 21, 2006