REGARDING the Christian/ Easter letters page debate in Tuesday's paper.

I am not a follower of any religion. I am not against Christianity or, for that matter, any religion. This letter is not intended to change people's religious attitudes, but simply to put my own views across.

Firstly, Tony Taylor's letter. His take on the words "historical fact" is seemingly loose. For something to constitute an historical fact takes slightly more than mentions in religious texts, which, to be honest, are hardly reliable sources of information.

Secondly, I agree with what Simon Biddlestone wrote regarding tolerance and freedom, but to suggest a non-believer's life is a meaningless trudge because they do not believe what he does, is very short-sighted.

Why does life, or for that matter anything, have to have some special meaning?

Finishing letters with the words: "I'm praying for you", or anything along those lines, just because we don't believe what you do, is frankly annoying. Really, we don't want it or need it.

The fact that I do not follow the Christian faith may make some Christians believe there is some kind of void in my life, but this could not be further from the truth. I am content with my life.

Kevin Dickinson,

Roche Avenue,


Updated: 09:46 Friday, April 21, 2006