IT'S interesting to read that both Guildhall councillors are suggesting that residents should be consulted about situating the controversial Arc Light project (March 9).

Does this mean that the councillors, council and their contractors are going to admit to their misrepresentations, after they imposed their drug treatment centre on the residents of Peckitt Street and the surrounding area without any consultation?

For the council to situate a drug treatment centre next door to residential property is an irresponsible neglect of its duty.

Sadly the officials who work for the council, who make these decisions, always go to ground when things go wrong, which is the case with the drug centre - the drug action team director is now unavailable for comment.

The reason why the council chose this location was because there are only eight properties in the street (four are residential and four are business), so they cynically calculated that there would not be much of a protest.

It also doesn't help when the council spin-merchant and Safer York tell you that you can always move if you don't like it - that is, of course, if you can sell your property.

David Jobson,

Peckitt Street,


Updated: 10:21 Tuesday, March 14, 2006