ON Monday, my husband and I were walking along Goodramgate. I tripped over and fell flat on my face.

From nowhere came an abundance of volunteers to assist me to my feet.

A lady and gentleman helped me up. Another lady with a child offered my husband a phone to call for an ambulance (although thankfully an ambulance was not needed).

And two wonderful ladies from the Sue Ryder shop looked after me, took me into the shop, gave me a glass of water and stayed with me until I was able to continue on our way.

May I take this opportunity to thank everyone who came to my assistance, renewing my faith in human kindness. I was overwhelmed by the amount of support you all gave my husband and myself.

I apologise for not getting your names but as my pride was hurt the most, I wanted to continue on my way as fast as possible.

The Sue Ryder Foundation should be proud to employ such wonderful people and York proud that such wonderful people are in it. Thank you to you all.

June Thornton,

Rowley Court,



Updated: 09:56 Thursday, March 02, 2006