HAVING just read about flooding in Millfield Lane and Avenue, in York, I have to agree with Mr Maloney 100 per cent (February 25).

I have lived in both streets all my life, first in a house backing on to the beck and then living about four doors from Mr Maloney for 16 years. In 2000 I moved back to my old family home. At the time of all the flooding, the water did not reach our house or anyone else's.

I strongly believe that the spokeswoman from the Environment Agency had not done her homework on this one or she would have known that these houses did not flood even before the barrier and pumping station were built - at least not in the 37 years I have lived here.

Now I am just waiting for my inflated insurance premium to drop on my doormat.

Debra Rhodes,

Millfield Lane, York.

Updated: 09:55 Thursday, March 02, 2006