AS foster children brought up together in York during the Second World War, they were like brothers.

But David Simpson and Terry Lambert have not been in touch for more than 50 years - until now.

They are now back in contact, thanks to This is

David, 70, who is known as Sam, explained that he and Terry had both been in foster care as children in York.

Along with other foster children, they lived in the same house in Alcuin Avenue, Tang Hall, from the age of four.

But the boys were separated when they were 11, and Sam went on to join the Army when still a teenager.

They met again briefly in 1953, but have only now made contact again after Terry, who now lives in Australia, posted a note in 2001 on the "Expat" section of our website, asking for news of his childhood friend.

Five years later, Sam spotted the note, and the two pensioners are now in touch again thanks to the help of our internet content manager Jon Butler.

Sam, who now lives in south Wales, said: "We did everything together. I was one of those unfortunate kids who was born without a family. We looked on each other as brothers."

Sam said it was "strange" to be back in touch with his former pal after more than 50 years.

"It was emotional to see my name on the computer screen...I just couldn't believe what had happened to me," he said.

Since leaving York, Sam has managed to track down some members of his own family.

And he and Terry have also been on the phone to each other reminiscing about their childhood.

Jon said Terry and Sam's remarkable reunion had prompted a new "Expat Tracer" service to be set up on He said: "I found it fascinating to listen to his story and it was very interesting to get a glimpse on what it must have been like for him and his friend to have lived in York in the 1940s," he said.

Our Expat Tracer service enables you to get in touch with old acquaintances through our internet team.

Jon said: "You don't have to be an Expat to look at our site, we want to encourage people from York to look on there to see if they're mentioned."

Updated: 09:49 Friday, February 17, 2006