COUNcillor Tracey Simpson-Laing's pronouncements on affordable housing are wrong (Letters, January 25) and no matter how many times she repeats them they will stay wrong.

Coun Simpson-Laing conveniently forgets shilly-shallying when her party was in power. Labour could easily have adopted special planning guidance policy on affordable housing and failed to do so.

Labour also consistently called for more public consultation on the Local Plan causing more delays and then voted against its adoption. If it was down to Labour, York would still have no affordable housing policy in place.

To compound this, Labour has consistently opposed planning applications which will provide much-needed new homes, including affordable ones at sites such as Germany Beck and the Barbican.

The Lib Dems built four times as many affordable homes in their first year in control than the paltry 54 achieved by Labour's administration in 2003.

In this case Tracey, actions speak louder than words, and your Labour group showed little action on affordable homes.

Coun Ann Reid,

Executive member for planning and transport,



Updated: 10:11 Thursday, February 02, 2006