I ATTENDED and enjoyed immensely, the Evening Press Residents 1st weekend tour of your headquarters and works in Walmgate, York, last Saturday.

Your deputy editor, Bill Hearld, and the promotions and publicity manager, Jennie Horsley, were ideal guides, showing the 30-strong party of York and district residents everything graphically technical and productively mechanical.

Everything that is, except the works' mouse-traps - Yorkatt &Eric! They had gone missing into the "out-of-bounds" print room.

All this excitement made for a memorable visit on our part - culminating in a share of the enticing Double Cream delight, from Nestl Rowntree, for both cartoon cats and your Evening Press touring party. I thank you and your staff most sincerely,

Dale Minks,

Ancress Walk, York.

Updated: 09:35 Wednesday, February 01, 2006