SHEER class! Hats off to our Guildhall superheroes for the dazzling way they have masterminded the Barbican Centre redevelopment.

The last thing anyone in York wanted was for the Barbican to go on providing popular, cheap sports facilities and top entertainment year after year.

The Diary has lost count of the number of residents who have said to us: "My life is too pleasurable. I can go for a swim, play a game of badminton or take in a really excellent concert by the likes of Tom Jones, all for a very reasonable price. When is the council going to do something about it?"

Sensing this unhappiness, our political masters closed the Barbican. We were immediately inundated with messages of support, like this one from Mr Fitz Roy.

"Well done, city council! Ever since it sold off our land in Dringhouses to Tesco and used our money to build a flexible, multi-purpose leisure centre which has been enjoyed by my whole family ever since, I have beseeched them: shut it down."

And Miss Barbie Can wrote in to make another good point. "For years I've been saying what York needs is more executive flats and plush hotels.

"Now the council is finally doing something for tourists and wealthy incomers, rather than concentrating on residents' needs. About time too."

BAFFLINGLY, however, councillors were still insisting they wanted to build a large new swimming pool on the Barbican site, which prompted a backlash. "Have they not got the message?" asked Ms Mel Bourne, of Cemetery Road.

"York people demand that every last vestige of the Barbican's community sports facilities are scrapped! If they open an even better municipal pool, what will happen? Yet more people will be encouraged to take up swimming when they could be eating junk food in front of the telly."

ONCE again, our council listened to the wishes of its people, and the all-too-accessible pool was scrapped yesterday. As soon as the news broke, delighted emails started pouring in. This one came from Mrs Alma Grove.

"I write to say thank you and well done to City of York Council. As the mother of three teenage sons, I was worried that they might start participating in deviant behaviour, like going to watch pop concerts, playing five-a-side football or swimming. There was even talk of one of them joining a youth theatre group! As you could imagine, my husband and I were out of our minds with worry. So we must offer our sincerest gratitude to those marvellous public servants who have put a stop to all this sort of nonsense."

On the same theme, Mr S Crick wrote: "Although not normally a fan of fiction, I find the York Lib Dems' election manifesto a compelling read.

"In chapter three, Leisure & Heritage, I came across this pledge: 'Our top priority will be the provision of improved leisure opportunities for teenagers'.

"Lo and behold, a few hours later I learn that the council is to replace the Barbican pool and family concert venue with flats and giant bars open till 2am. This will finally provide the one leisure opportunity denied to our young people in York: a place to binge drink into the wee small hours. Isn't it wonderful to find politicians who actually stick to their promises?"

Well said, Mr S.

Updated: 10:34 Friday, January 27, 2006