I REALISE that Saturday Soundoff should not be taken too seriously and is perhaps an attempt to be "controversial".

However, does Mike Bentley have any idea the damage he has done to teenagers with dyslexia and other special needs with his ill-informed, antiquated and insensitive comments ("Equality in education breeds generation of imbeciles", January 21)?

At this time of year, such children are having to struggle to keep up with their peers and get through often soul-destroying examinations. Contrary to the statistics and theoretical arguments put forward by the LEA, the reality is that a child with dyslexia does not get any additional help unless they are statemented and/or have behavioural problems.

This means that children who are singularly bright in many aspects, but have difficulties of a dyslexic nature, are often left depressed and frustrated as they struggle against the odds to achieve their potential.

So Mr Bentley, how about balancing the argument with a "sound off" on adults abusing the sickness benefit system? At least they could fight back.

Better still a "sound off" on irresponsible reporters who do not put their brain in gear before sounding off.

Liz Edge,

Parkside Close, York.

Updated: 09:39 Wednesday, January 25, 2006