MONTHS of motoring misery are almost over for Selby residents, after it was announced that long-running roadworks in the town were finally set for completion.

Gas maintenance contractors today assured drivers that the work in Portholme Road would be finished by the end of this month - six months after it started.

The work, on one of Selby's main arterial roads, is currently seven-and-a- half weeks behind schedule, and has caused problems for anyone trying to reach the Morrison's or Tesco supermarkets, Selby police station, or the Selby District Council offices.

Selby District councillor Steve Shaw-Wright said: "The end has been in sight for many months. It will be really good if they are done by then".

United Utilities began the work on July 25 last year, with a scheduled end date of November 25. But on the day the works should have ended, the Evening Press revealed that the project had been hit by a one-month delay.

A spokesman for United Utilities said then that the work would definitely be done by Christmas, but on December 19 it emerged that there had been further delays, meaning the work would continue into 2006.

But today, the firm said the work was definitely nearing a conclusion, and apologised to drivers for the trouble caused.

United Utilities spokesman, Richard Felton, said: "Our engineers returned to Selby last week and are looking at completing the project by the end of the month.

"The main body of work was completed before Christmas when we got the new gas pipe in place at Portholme Road. Over the next few weeks our engineers are connecting local businesses to this new pipe.

"We apologise for the inconvenience to residents and traders and thank them for their continued patience while this essential gas mains replacement scheme is completed."

Selby District Councillor Steve Shaw-Wright said: " I am disappointed that it has taken so long. Hopefully, this is the end - I will believe it when I see it. When all the little cones have gone it will be fine. Until then, I will not count my chickens."

Gareth Gordon, of the senior management team at Selby Chamber, welcomed the news that the end was in sight. He had previously voiced disappointment at the impact the works were having on Christmas shoppers trying to reach the town's two major supermarkets, but today he said: "It will be nice to draw a conclusion to the road-works and hopefully get the town back to normal."

Updated: 09:33 Wednesday, January 18, 2006