I FEEL compelled to respond to the absolute rubbish Philip Crowe, chairman of Clifton Action Group, has written regarding the proposed footpath closure at St Peter's School (January 13).

Anybody who read the article may be under the misapprehension that the path in question is the one that runs from Westminster Avenue through to the Museum Gardens. This is not the footpath St Peter's School wishes to close.

The footpath in question runs between the infants' school and the secondary school. It leads from Bootham down to the swimming pool where it intersects with the Westminster Avenue path.

To state that the St Peter's footpath has direct access to Scarborough Bridge is ridiculous.

Scarborough Bridge can be accessed via the riverside walk which has direct access from the Avenue or Queen Anne's Road. If using Queen Anne's Road, it would be simpler to turn left and walk through Marygate car park.

The school campus has children living, playing and studying there. The children's safety has to be of the utmost importance.

The headmaster believes the footpath to be a "conduit of crime". Mr Crowe "emphatically does not agree". The police agree, Mr Crowe! So do the many parents who witness the trouble.

So do the little girls and boys who are called obscene names and spat at while playing hockey or playing in their lunch break. So does the school secretary who has to wipe the dog muck off the infant kids' shoes every other day.

I attended Carr Junior and Infants school and Manor C of E secondary school. These schools have been fortresses for years in the interests of children's safety.

Surely, common sense must dictate that a right of way straight through the middle of a school campus cannot remain.

Caron Martin,

Elwithe House, Skelton, York.

Updated: 10:11 Tuesday, January 17, 2006