I VISITED York last week and was strolling along Stonegate when I managed to fall on my head. Don't ask me how, I was probably contemplating a cuppa and a "fine piece" in Bettys.

Anyway I found myself on the floor totally sober and unable to move. Many helping hands and comforting murmurs seemed to come from nowhere.

My friend Esther was on one side and another lassie on the other. I heard concerned voices asking should they call the paramedics or an ambulance?

Quietly, as if in the background, there came a soft voice saying "I'm a doctor". I was then given a complete overhaul by this guy who came from South Africa. He told me not to move and went through a series of checks.

I was finally on my feet, and all my concerned helpers had drifted away. I now want to thank them all for their kind concern. I felt so good to think that so many total strangers were there for me.

Thanks again to all who helped and, if this is a sample of the people of York, they should be proud.

Rosie Wyness,

Short Loanings,

Rosemount, Aberdeen.

Updated: 10:52 Monday, January 16, 2006