I AM writing further to my letter to you in September about vehicles at night travelling around York with only one headlight operating.

I heard recently there will be an organised crackdown on drink-driving over this fast-approaching festive season.

Apparently some police forces are to stop drivers when they notice any infringements to the rules governing safe driving and vehicle upkeep, and breathalyse them at the same time as a matter of course.

I don't know if our police will be employing these laudable tactics, but if they are... good luck to them, as no doubt the same irresponsible drivers who are continuing to blithely drive around with only one headlight working could well be the ones who may try to drink and drive, thinking themselves immune from the laws governing the rest of us, and doubtless not caring one hoot.

Mrs Jacqueline Anderson,

Hallfield Road,


Updated: 11:05 Thursday, December 08, 2005