THE boss of a trouble-hit distributor of fresh salads and vegetables serving York and North Yorkshire today called on its suppliers to be patient.

Frustrated growers - among about 30 suppliers - have told the Evening Press that Miller West Imperial Foods, based at Marston Moor Business Park, near Tockwith, owes them thousands of pounds.

Drivers for the firm, which supplies shops, pubs, hotels, schools, colleges and social services throughout the region, claim that up to 20 of them have been unpaid but have worked on, buoyed by the promise of payment by this weekend.

Kevin Miller, director at Miller West, said: "We are continuing to trade as we are. We have cash flow problems, but we are endeavouring, with the bank's goodwill, to overcome these."

He said he would be true to his promise to pay the drivers

One of the drivers said: "He has made a promise that we will be paid, and we will stay faithful to help the company get back on to its feet and keep the customers happy, but if delay went beyond this weekend I don't know how many of us will turn up."

Mr Miller blamed his firm's difficulties on the loss of a contract with Somerfield supermarkets.

He said: "When you lose half your business, which that was, then there are inevitably some difficulties, but we shall overcome these and move forward".

He would not confirm the rumours of a possible takeover of his company by a north-east firm, but he did not rule out any prospect.

"All possibilities are available and open to us," he said.

Grower Peter Triffitt, of Triffitt Nurseries, based in Thornton, Melbourne, claimed he was owed more than £10,000 by the firm for consignments of lettuce, celery and other vegetables.

"I received a message from the company that they were trying to get some cash together to pay us by Monday, but I'm not hopeful.

"We dealt with West for about 30 years, and then they merged with Millers and payments suddenly became erratic.

"It is disappointing because we always try to deal with local companies. It is good to keep your produce and good name in the region."

A spokesperson for potato growers RS Cockerill (York) Ltd, of Dunnington, said: "We have stopped dealing with Miller West. They owe us a great deal of money."

Mr Miller said: "If we don't pay clients we can't trade. We are asking suppliers to be patient. Things will be all right."

Updated: 09:59 Saturday, December 03, 2005