YOU asked for comments on bin collections. I have gardens at the front and back of my house on Huntington Road. I was issued with a green wheelie bin about 12 weeks ago, and I soon filled it.

But collection days came and went and it remained un-emptied. Many phone calls were made, resulting in long waits, frustration and no action.

So I made personal calls to the council's offices in St Leonard's. The first time, action was promised within four weeks.

Nothing happened so I called again. I was promised action within two weeks and given a direct telephone number to contact.

Nothing happened and I phoned again and was promised action within one week. Nothing happened.

Well I've lived here for 57 years and kept a tidy garden back and front without a green wheelie bin, so I've placed the bin at the rear of my property and told the authorities where to collect it.

That was ten days ago and yes, it's still there, but at least it's not blocking up my front garden path!

W E Lumley,

Huntington Road,


Updated: 10:18 Friday, December 02, 2005