A TOUGH approach to kerb alcohol-fuelled violence is being launched in Selby.

Selby District Council licensing officer Tim Grogan said the no-nonsense stance would mean violent troublemakers banned from pubs in the run-up to Christmas.

He also appealed for support to introduce a no-alcohol zone, banishing street drinking in the town centre.

He said: "Selby is clamping down on alcohol-fuelled behaviour and people causing a nuisance and being violent in pubs will be banned.

"We've banned four people from pubs this week at Pubwatch, and it means they will be having a very quiet Christmas or drinking anywhere other than Selby.

"Anyone who commits any acts of violence in licensed premises will be dealt with very severely."

In addition, Mr Grogan, police, residents and parish councils are in talks to introduce a no-drinking zone in Selby.

The zones have been a big success in Barlby and Brayton, where residents have reported a steep reduction in booze-related nuisance behaviour.

"I would love to introduce a similar zone in the town centre of Selby but we can only do it with support," he said.

"Although I facilitate it I cannot drive it; it has to be supported by the general public and the police.

"I operate an open door policy and anyone who believes we should be introducing it is welcome to come and see me or write to me."

No-alcohol zones give police the powers to seize alcohol and charge nuisance drinkers with a criminal offence. Consultations are ongoing to introduce no-alcohol zones in Eggborough and Kelfield which came into effect last week, were having a positive impact on the town.

"The licensees have a very grown up approach to these licensing laws," he said.

"Some of them have got hours and activities they have never had before and they should cherish them.

"Licensees have told me they are using their hours and it has meant people are taking time in their consumption of alcohol, not rushing it at 11pm and people have been acting more responsibly with their drinking."

Ian Wright, chairman of Pubwatch, echoed Mr Grogan's comments.

He said: "From Pubwatch's point of view, we won't tolerate any form of violence within any licensed premises whatsoever.

"Anyone causing problems will be barred, not just from one pub, but from all of the pubs in town and that ban is generally for a year."

He added: "The new licensing laws are a good idea and I think they will lead to an overall reduction in alcohol related violence."

Updated: 09:56 Friday, December 02, 2005