ONE preaches love; the other hate.

"Christians, go and find friends who are Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Sikhs, agnostics, atheists - not for the purpose of converting them to your beliefs, but for friendship, understanding, listening, hearing." The words of the new Archbishop of York yesterday.

"You've got to stand up and do something for the British National Party because otherwise Muslims will do for someone in your family. That is the truth." The words of Nick Griffin, leader of the British National Party, captured by an undercover TV crew last year.

The BNP's sick brand of politics is infecting York again. Their methods, like their message, never change. They prey on people's anxiety, as they did over a city bail hostel and plans to move the Arc Light Centre.

BNP members seize on everything from terrorism to parking charges to spread fear and ignite hatred. So a leaflet purporting to stand up for the rights of the motorist is a front for fascism.

The poisonous leaflet pushed through doors in Haxby Road is more explicit. "The old parties worked together to turn our once all-white country into an overcrowded multi-cultural slum," it states.

These words will no doubt thrill the mindless inadequates who sent racist mail to Dr John Sentamu. Every decent citizen will find them abhorrent.

The BNP wants to put up a candidate at next year's city council elections. Our message: don't bother. York has no place for this sorry band of bigots.

Updated: 09:27 Thursday, December 01, 2005