AN 85-year-old fisherman has managed to net £4,589 for cancer patients by organising a charity fish-in at his lake in Elvington.

Stan Britton and his family laid bait that fishing enthusiasts could not resist - the unique opportunity to fish the lake at night in return for sponsorship money.

Anglers "fell" for the offer hook, line and sinker, and helped boost the coffers of Macmillan Cancer Relief.

Stan is already planning next year's event, and said he was seriously considering staging it to raise funds for the Evening Press Guardian Angels appeal.

Our campaign aims to raise £300,000 for two high-dependency rooms on York Hospital's children's ward, equipped with state-of-the-art, life-saving technology.

At present, very poorly children are cared for in two small rooms with limited equipment. If they need intensive care they must go into the operating theatre block or accident and emergency until a specialist team can arrive from Leeds.

"I like the sound of the Guardian Angels appeal," said Stan, of Wheldrake Lane, Elvington.

"This will touch people's heartstrings. People who have given £1 in the past - I shall ask them to make it £3. I think people will respond to the appeal."

More than 60 people took part in this year's fish-in at Elvington Lake in the summer.

Proceeds have now been counted from the event which also featured family entertainment including a, tombola, auction, and raffled, as well as a pie and pea supper and fancy dress competition.

"The fish-in was a tremendous success and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves," said Stan.

"I'm delighted that all our hard work paid off and that we managed to raise such a lot of money for a worthwhile cause that's close to our hearts. I couldn't have done it without the help of my family and friends and I'd also like to thank the York Tackle Shop for their generosity and donations of prizes.

"I'm already thinking about next year's event and how we can make it even better." There are currently more than one million people in the UK living with cancer. Macmillan Cancer Relief develops vital services which help to improve the quality of life for people with cancer and their families.

Macmillan community fundraiser Karina Stead said: "Stan really pulled out all the stops to raise as much money as possible from his unique fish-in event. I'm not a fisherman, but Stan's donation is definitely the catch of the day for Macmillan, his support is invaluable to us."

To get involved in next year's 24-hour fish-in, phone Stan on 01904 608255.

Updated: 10:43 Friday, November 18, 2005