I WAS much relieved to read the recent article in the Evening Press confirming that York MP Hugh Bayley supported Prime Minister Tony Blair following the back-stabbing by his own rebellious and totally disloyal group of MPs.

Mr Blair is a man of strong and unswerving principle with a deep sense of what is right, particularly when the best interests of the nation and the British people are involved. He stands by his beliefs no matter how unpopular they may be with some sections of the media and the public. Drop Blair for Brown? No thanks.

After the London bombings, Mr Blair's simple, deeply-felt words caught perfectly the public mood of anger and defiance when he said: "When they try to intimidate us, we will not be intimidated. When they seek to change our country and our way of life by these methods, we will not be changed."

Mr Blair is not unravaged by the cares of office, but it still looks as though he has the political "legs" to see him through.

I believe there is a considerable majority of the population who, although choosing to remain silent, hope he will continue to be instrumental in leading this Labour Government to yet another victory.

I hope Hugh Bayley will continue to remain loyal to Mr Blair and enjoy the full support of his York constituents.

Elizabeth C Earle,

Dower Court,


Updated: 10:17 Friday, November 18, 2005