INTREPID walkers from a North Yorkshire stately home tackled the

gruelling High Ridge Challenge in aid of Children In Need.

A team of ten staff from Castle Howard, near Malton, headed for some of Britain's highest ridges in the Coniston Fells - from Tilberthwaite to Wetherlam, Swirl How, Brim Fell and the Old Man of Coniston, before returning to Coniston via Dow Crag.

Over the last 17 years the challenge has raised £400,000 for charity, and this is the sixth year that Castle Howard has taken part. Staff raised more than £4,000 at last year's event and hope to beat that amount this year.

Team leader Duncan Peake, the estate manager at Castle Howard, said: "The November weather is not going to put us off and the team is in good spirits. Each year we receive great support from our colleagues, friends and local businesses, and we thank them for their generous donations and helping us to raise a lot of money for this worthwhile cause."

Updated: 11:08 Saturday, November 12, 2005