THE apparent cover-up of David Finnegan's alleged misdemeanours is a disgrace ("Anger As Chief Retires Early", October 3).

Why all the secrecy? The council should be reminded that ratepayers' money is being offered as "early retirement" to Mr Finnegan, above, who, from his photo, is nowhere near retirement age.

Why was he suspended from a highly paid job? Do we as the paymasters not have a right to know how our money is being spent?

For him to be suspended suggests there must be suspicion about some of his activities. He is a public servant: surely as with most people he should face public investigation and if he is found not guilty then he should be given his job back. But, equally, if he is guilty then he should face the consequences. Instead our money is being used to "pay off" someone without us being given any information at all.

The one councillor who has objected, Coun Merrett, tells us that although he is opposed to the decision, "strict confidentiality" prevents him from discussing any details. What sort of democracy is that when elected councillors being paid by our rates are sworn to secrecy when one of there own commits an offence sufficiently serious to lose his job?

It is not enough to just pay him off: we want to know why he was paid off and why he was not brought to public accountability. This cover-up is a disgrace.

Tony Clayton-Chance,

Richardson Street, York.

Updated: 09:19 Wednesday, October 05, 2005