HAVE you got a story to tell or a picture you want to share with the world?

Do you want to comment on the news as you might in the readers' letters page of a newspaper, but live on the Internet? Well, now's your chance.

The Evening Press is expanding its portfolio to bring you My York News (www.myyorknews.com) a new website for ordinary people to write the news or publish their pictures.

The July London bombings showed the world how citizen journalists - ordinary people - could work alongside the media with their witness accounts of the carnage and devastation. Their digital camera shots, video clips or telephone pictures and their words were published on websites as the world's press and satellite news crews reported the tragedy around the globe.

Here in York, when a bus crashed into a house wall in Hull Road, passers-by took pictures on their mobile phones, sent them to the Evening Press, then gave us their version of what they had seen.

My York News is a citizen journalist website for you to post your news. But it does not have to be a bombing outrage. If you have any news you want to share - about your club, pub, or even your family or friends - send it to My York News and we'll put it up on the website.

You can share your holiday experiences, your successes, happenings or views. Send us your sports stories and photos, pictures of your fun night out or your school reunion. You can comment on a show or a gig you've been to and you either loved or hated. If you see a major or even minor local event, write it up and send your account, along with any pictures you capture on your mobile phone or digital camera.

You don't have to be a trained reporter - sub-editors will edit your stories and put your name to the item. Just tell it as you see it. All we ask is that it is legal, decent and honest and that you include your name and location, not necessarily your street address. You will be asked to register - free - on your first posting so we know who you are, maybe to ask you for more details of your story. Then you can contribute as many times as you like.

If we think your story and/or photograph is suitable, it may also feature in the Evening Press newspaper.

My York News, brought to you by the Evening Press and our website, ThisIsYork, goes live on October 17. Site editor will be Francine Clee, pictured, who is assistant editor and a former news editor of the Evening Press. But it is your site, an opportunity for you to comment on the news or write it like a real reporter.

Don't wait for the launch day, though. Send your stories, pictures and comments now, so the site is well-populated even before it starts. There will be My York News goodies - including USB memory sticks or mouse mats - for the first contributors.

Email your words to stories@myyorknews.com or digital pictures to photos@myyorknews.com or your observations to comment@myyorknews.com Next week, we will tell you how to send in your mobile phone pictures or text messages.

So get your Press hat on now.

Updated: 10:18 Wednesday, October 05, 2005