SPORTS clubs across York are being urged to have their say in how the city will contribute to the 2012 Olympics.

On Saturday, we revealed how Olympic supremo Lord Coe had thrown his support behind York's potential bid to play a leading role in the games.

Now the York and District Sports Federation - which represents voluntary sports clubs in York - is inviting clubs to a special meeting to discuss the part the city could play.

In July, we reported how athletes, sports coaches and officials called for York to become a host city for the games - with the possibility of Olympians travelling from around the world to train in the city before competing in London.

Four leading Yorkshire figures will be on hand at the meeting to speak and answer questions about the Olympic debate.

They are: Mel Welch, secretary of the Federation of Yorkshire Sport; Professor Andy Smith, chairman of Active Sport, which is responsible for the development of sport in the city; Francesca Wood, from the Yorkshire and Humber region of Sport England; and Joanna Moore, from regional development board Yorkshire Forward.

Federation secretary Nick Blitz said the meeting would be a "quest for knowledge".

"We are on this voyage of discovery," he said. "We are working out whether in fact York has got anything to offer. There may well be all sorts of opportunities. We don't know what anybody is going to get out of it."

Mr Blitz said the games could bring great opportunities for York, with the possibility of athletes staying in local hotels or being put up at the city's university.

Updated: 10:07 Wednesday, October 05, 2005