NO police officer can be on duty 24-hours a day - but PC Matt Smith thinks he has found the next best thing.

The Clifton beat copper has had a life-size cardboard likeness created to go on patrol at York Hospital. Cardboard coppers are already on duty at the hospital, but PC Smith wanted his own so that patients and staff could more easily recognise him.

The model serves a second purpose as a notice board with news about security and safety issues pinned to its clipboard.

He said: "Unfortunately, visitors to the hospital can fall victim to petty crime such as bag thefts and they need to be on their guard. It's a good likeness and I hope people will recognise me more easily when I am at the hospital and that it will make me more approachable."

He said his only regret was that he had not made his cardboard colleague a bit taller than the real thing.

Arthur Tomkins, head of security at York Hospital, said two cut-outs had been installed in Accident and Emergency and in the main reception.

"We've been really pleased with the cut-outs. It's an excellent idea," he said.

"It will remind people that we do have a living, breathing police officer walking around the site and this is him."

Updated: 11:07 Thursday, September 29, 2005