A FORMER trustee who devoted five years to trying to shape the future of Haxby Memorial Hall has warned it could be "on its knees" by 2007.

Stewart Pearson, who resigned as secretary with two other key figures, said a serious cash boost or wave of new customers was needed to save the hall's flagging fortunes.

His warning came as a new body formed to take on the challenge of determining the building's fate, led by Nikki Hassett, with Steve Reddington as vice chairman and Grace Marshall as secretary.

Announcing the changes, the new group stressed its intention to undertake a new survey, and listen to the views of hall users and the community about the building.

"I am confident there is an exciting future for Haxby Memorial Hall," said the new chairwoman.

"It has been proved how important it is to the community, and I ask people to be patient, have faith in this new committee and support our fundraising team, who will focus for now on raising funds for essential maintenance. With the backing of Haxby residents, we can work towards providing a hall we can all be proud of."

The group is now researching options for the hall which is in a state of disrepair and losing customers to produce a strategy.

Members are also seeking advice from experts including the City of York Council's design, conservation and sustainability department.

Mr Pearson, who was on two past committees which collapsed, urged the new group to remember "the hall is there for the benefit and enjoyment of all residents of Haxby. Whatever option the people of Haxby go for it clearly has to be a viable and sustainable building," he said.

Mr Pearson, a director of a medical device manufacturing company in Wetherby, said the hall's finances were in "quite a parlous state", with August's accounts showing a loss.

"In my view the hall will be on its knees within two years unless there's some serious injection of new custom or new income or severe curtailing of costs - although it has been run quite stringently anyway."

Mr Pearson agreed the building was "a mess", but said spending money on it was "just speeding up the eventual day of reckoning".

He was concerned that negative publicity against plans for a new building had "muddied the waters for an objective debate" about possible options.

He stressed that residents should be surveyed on all possibilities, including a demolition and rebuild choice.

Residents interested in becoming trustees can attend an open evening at Haxby Town Council office at 7.30pm, on Friday, October 14. Volunteers are also needed to help move the project forward.

Updated: 09:52 Thursday, September 22, 2005