THE devastation of Hurricane Katrina has not only woken up George Bush to the fact that America is not immune from climate change, it has again highlighted how vulnerable even the most modern society is to such devastating events, that appear to be getting on average more intense and more frequent.

Ending our dependence on oil would lessen the impact of 'peak oil' on our economy as demand outstrips supply.

With the continuing threat of terrorism, nuclear power is not a safe option, even if we ignore the long term problem of decommissioning plants and storing waste.

If all houses in the American south had been powered by solar and micro renewable plants, the pumps and air conditioning systems might still be running and some of the plight of the people of New Orleans might have been avoided.

Sustainable energy and cutting greenhouse gasses are not just ideals - they are serious strategies that we must put in place as quickly as possible for our own survival.

Andy D'Agorne,

Broadway West, York.

Updated: 11:31 Monday, September 05, 2005