SARAH Bramley is a little naive in her ideas about controlling the numbers of geese in Rowntree Park.

She should know that while there is a surplus of food, the numbers of geese will increase. If the council do destroy their eggs, the birds will simply lay more in less accessible places.

There are only two ways one can control them; either by cutting off their food, clearly impossible, or by killing them. If you choose the latter, they would have to be regularly culled or it would be ineffective.

While she says she goes into Rowntree Park she should go to the Monkgate roundabout and see the mess that her geese are causing there.

There is green slime on the grass, the pavement and the road and the geese cause almost continual hold-ups for the traffic by wandering about on the road. It would be a better place if they were removed completely.

Jeremy D Fox,

Malton Avenue, York.

Updated: 10:54 Monday, August 08, 2005