MY reaction when I saw the proposed plan for cycle and footpaths along the A1237, was exactly opposed to that of Philip Robinson.

Good! I said. About time too.

If Mr Robinson has never seen a cyclist on the A1237, he doesn't use the road as often as I do. Cycles do use the ring road, the area between kerb and rumble strip seems to be used as an unofficial cycle track.

Some have no choice, although this is not a safe option being in close proximity to the traffic this 60mph road carries. Had there been a proper separated cycle track I would have used it occasionally instead of taking the car. I won't risk the rumble strip track.

Why was a footpath not built in the first place? Not only have I observed people walking on the uneven grass verge, ducking below the low direction signs, I have done it myself a few times because it offered the shortest route from A to B.

In dark or bad weather it would be dangerous to pick one's way along the verge. What happens if a car or cycle breaks down?

There are two public rights of way which cross the section of the ring road near where I live, inviting pedestrians not only to cross this dangerous road but to walk from one path to the other. As for the non-existent provision for cyclists and pedestrians crossing near the roundabouts, well...

Pauline Horsfield,

The Old Village,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:40 Friday, July 22, 2005