NO doubt to the blessed relief of many of your readers I had (at last) intended to retire from contributing to the Evening Press Letters Page.

Nevertheless I feel justified and competent to let it be known that I heartily support Mr P Jackson (Letters, October 26) in his call for a military tattoo or military music pageant to be arranged on York's Knavesmire to mark the Millennium.

It is now many years since I watched a military tattoo on the Knavesmire.

I was on a works (brewery) outing, and the spectacle of that superb military event in York was so enjoyable I booked to see it a second time.

A sound recommendation when one recalls the cost of admission and travelling expenses in relation to the low wages of that time.

Incidentally, what became of York's Military Sunday?

Cynics will claim that I am far too military minded. Well, so be it.

Ida Mary Goodrick,

Woodlands Avenue,


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