A FLOCK of parrots were never more sick than former York City flier Graeme Murty.

The winger who sealed a £700,000 move from City to Reading in the summer has yet to kick a ball in competitive anger for his new club this season.

While he was looking forward to tonight's tussle between his former team-mates and new employers, Murty's big date is a week hence.

That's when he makes another visit to see a specialist for the latest on the injury that has wrecked his first four months as a Royal.

Murty damaged his back while doing pliometrics exercises on the eve of the season's start. Since then he has been sidelined, though the injury has now been diagnosed as being in the pelvis.

Added Murty: "Apparently I twisted the pelvis the wrong way. So now I've even got special insoles in my shoes to straighten me up.

"I've been told to be grateful for small improvements, but I'm absolutely sick to be missing out tonight.

"At least I'll be able to see the City lads again, though I expect I'll be in for some stick from both sides.

"Diplomatically Murty refused to be drawn on who might prevail tonight. "We've picked up a bit, but it will be interesting to see how we do against York," he said.

"So far we've tended to play teams who do one or the other - the big boot or play a bit - but City can mix it up."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.