YORK CITY today denied a claim that their sprinkler system was turned on before the midweek visit of Blackpool.

The game against the Tangerines was called off by match referee Alan Wiley just after 5pm on Tuesday after an earlier inspection by local official Craig Barker had passed the ground fit at 12.30pm. From then on throughout the afternoon heavy rain fell in York.

A passer-by, who made an anonymous telephone call to the Evening Press, claimed the club's sprinkler system was on prior to the game being postponed.

But City club secretary Keith Usher categorically denied the system had been on at Bootham Crescent. He explained that one sprinkler inadvertently flared, but was turned off almost immediately. Said Usher: "There was one which accidentally went on in the corner of the pitch at the Grosvenor Road End when the groundsman was checking the computer control. As soon as it was on it would be off again."

Meanwhile, north-east referee Terry Heilbron has been appointed to take charge of City's Second Division game at Macclesfield next month - two years after he last officiated at a City fixture.

The March 1, 1997 home game against Luton Town sparked a controversy after the referee sent City manager Alan Little from the dug-out. The duo, plus City chairman Douglas Craig and secretary Usher, all appeared before two separate FA disciplinary hearings.

The York trio were found guilty of bringing the game into disrepute with Little and Usher warned as to their future conduct and ordered to share the costs of the first hearing held in York. Then at a later hearing of the Durham County FA a misconduct charge against Heilbron was 'not proven'.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.