Noise is not the only form of pollution spoiling the centre of York. Far worse is the disgusting mess left behind by the horses that give carriage rides around the city.

In some urban areas horses are required to wear nappies to keep the streets free of dung. But not in York which is supposed to be one of the most tourist-friendly cities in England. Judging by some of the comments I've overheard, the nauseating stench must deter many visitors from returning; it certainly deters me from eating al fresco.

The solution to this problem is straightforward and I urge the council to introduce a by-law making horse nappies compulsory as quickly as possible so that everyone can enjoy the city without having to hold their breath or risk stepping in anything unpleasant.

My only recommendation would be that they avoid the rather crude designs consisting of a canvas sheet suspended between the horse and carriage or a bag hung under the horse's tail, as these are smelly, attract flies and do not really solve the problem.

Far more effective are the type worn by horses and donkeys on some Spanish beaches. Essentially these are close fitting briefs with strongly elasticated sides and a sleeved tail hole, in which horses can relieve themselves with no danger of anything spilling out and no escape of unpleasant odours. They are hygienic, remain unobtrusive when soiled and are comfortable for the horse to wear all day.

Graham Barrett,

Willow Cottage,



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