Evening Press Reader's Letter

Not more stalls clogging up Parliament Street! ('Readers push for charity market to fill in gap,' December 1). Despite Saturday, November 27 having been 'Buy Nothing Day', York city centre was a bedlam of shoppers.

Parliament Street normally gives people a chance to breathe in York's overcrowded streets, but with the street full of stalls there is nothing left to do but to not travel into York city centre on a Saturday if one wishes to retain any grasp of sanity.

Now that Christmas draws nearer, there is that added inconvenience of the fun fair, which is hardly any fun for those caught in the crush by the entrance to Marks & Spencer. Indeed, York's planners even thought it a good idea to put a bus stop outside of one the Marks & Spencer entrances and to actually shrink the pavement which has to accommodate the extra numbers of people queuing for a bus!

York is a mediaeval city with mediaeval streets built for the numbers of a mediaeval population. Meanwhile, the city council invites ever more tourists to clog up this over-crowded city centre.

Dr Duncan Campbell,

Albemarle Road,


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