Plans to revamp existing bars and to create new seafood, coffee and drinks bars and a canopied area at York Racecourse look set to win approval from local councillors.

The proposals by the York Racecourse Committee involve refurbishing the existing bars in the John Carr stand behind the main stands, rebuilding the adjacent wash-up area, then building a new single-storey seafood bar between them.

In addition a free-standing coffee bar, island drinks bar and a canopied area with two flagpoles would be built within the same area.

City of York Council's planning and transport (south area) sub-committee will hear on Thursday that the character of the John Carr building will be improved by the removal of canvas canopies in each arched opening, and modern internal bar fittings will be replaced which is also acceptable.

A report from development control officer Roger Armistead adds the replacement of the current open wash-up area with permanent fittings, and of the current seafood bar next to the John Carr stand with a new single-storey building with stone pillars to match the nearby Paddock Bar, will also improve the appearance of the group of buildings.

Also recommended for approval are plans to refurbish the open arcade of the Grade II Listed Paddock Bar, which involve removing bar and catering equipment and replacing them with new items, which Mr Armistead says does not affect the fabric of the building.

"It is also proposed to remove the existing fabric canopies on the outside of the arcade, which will improve the character of the building," he adds.

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