Football: Stand and deliver

Frustrated York City chief Neil Thompson has called on his misfiring Minstermen to 'stand and deliver' after extending their run of games without a win to ten. Football: Rochdale 2, York City 1

After City's last two matches provided such thrills and spills, it was perhaps too much to ask for another high-octane encounter. Rugby: Wasps youngsters on a learning curve

Now is the time for York Wasps youngsters' to come of age if they are to get their season back on track. Yesterday's 24-14 defeat at Rochdale Hornets was their fourth in the opening five game and leaves them third from bottom of the Northern Ford Premiership. Rugby: More misery as Wasps fail to sting Hornets

The misery continues for York Wasps after yet another below-par performance which sees them slip ever closer to the foot of the Northern Ford Premiership. Horse Racing: Island can give us an encore

Grass Island who produced a convincing performance to score at Fontwell earlier this month, is napped to produce an encore on the same course tomorrow. Cricket: Yorkshire U-turn on resolutions

Yorkshire have back-tracked on their previous decision not to allow two resolutions on to the agenda for the club's annual meeting in Sheffield on March 4. Football: Bridges puts smile back on Leeds faces

After a traumatic week off the field, Leeds United re-established their Premiership credentials on it with a significant 2-1 victory at Sunderland.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.