Planning a wedding always involves difficult decisions.

Do you invite your cousin's ex-wife's new toyboy? Is DJ Dave's deafening disco more entertaining than the local Abba tribute band?

Precisely how embarrassing should you make the bridesmaids' outfits?

These days, even choosing the venue is complicated, as anywhere with a marriage licence qualifies. Couples get spliced on the end of a bungee rope and in the sea.

Newlyweds Daniel Scott and Petra Ingham have gone one better, getting engaged in the most unlikely place: under Lendal Bridge. And when Philip and Carolyn Mennell renewed their marriage vows, they hitched a lift in a dustcart. At this rate, the most sensational way to wed will be in white, in church.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.