Local cricket: Ex-secretary Smith fights for 'fair play'

Race watchdogs are investigating the Costcutter York and District Senior Cricket League's handling of the now infamous Dunnington Cricket Club row. Football: Boro seek advice over 'lost' funds

Scarborough chairman John Russell said the club is taking legal advice over a discrepancy in its accounts of more than £19,000. Athletics: East starts with a bang

Teenager Andrew East, of Woldgate School, Pocklington, and a member of Nestle Rowntrees athletic club, began the new season with a double silver medal performance in the AAAs England and North of England Championships in Birmingham. Horse Racing: Top-form jockey only a Step from victory

Richard Johnson, who is riding out of his skin in pursuit of Tony McCoy in the jockeys' championship, can continue an excellent week tomorrow at Wincanton. Angling: Haigh claims vital points

Anglers World veteran Stan Haigh won a dour 96-peg penultimate round of the Yorkshire Winter League and claimed the final four Kamasan points he needed to reach the British Open Championship. Plus ' Scarborough Rock Anglers win trophy' by Trevor Dale.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.